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Our mission

APIER is a teacher association whose main goal is that of congregating teachers from all over the province of Entre Ríos to nurture, enrich and honour the ELT profession. We are a bunch of optimistic people who believe in professional development and want to make a contribution to our community in this regard.


We need a lot of other dreamers to accomplish our mission. Are you that dreamers? Are you going to help us pursue our goals? Come on! We are waiting for you :)

Your Benefits

If you become a member of APIER you can:

-access teaching materials for free

-be in contact with ELT professionals 

-attend the FAAPI annual conference with special discounts

-get published at AJAL (Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics)

-get the latest news about the IATEFL conference in the UK

-attend APIER conferences for free (or at a very low cost)

-meet a lot of wonderful people


How good is this deal?

Latest Newsletters

ELT News
2013 Complex Social Media in One Chart

Altimeter Group Principal Brian Solis says the "you" in this case represents a marketer. The inner wheels are goals for the brand that aren't related to their position on the chart. (In other words "brand" doesn't tie in to the "blog/microblogs" category.

Early-Life Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure Linked to Hyperactivity

Early-life exposure to traffic-related air pollution was significantly associated with higher hyperactivity scores at age 7, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati (UC) and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.

Five Reasons Why YouTube Rocks in the Classroom

Last month, 16 teachers from across the country got together at Google’s Seattle office for the YouTube Teachers Studio — a sort of bootcamp to learn how to best use YouTube in the classroom.

Jon Corippo, a Google Certified Teacher and Apple Distinguished Educator, was among the group, and came back with ideas about what YouTube was great for.

Messages from our followers 

     APIER was a must. Thanks to you all it has come true. Congrats and best of good wishes!

— Raquel Lothringer 





— Graciela Yugdar

       This is a great virtual place, supported by GREAT REAL people!!!!

— Ricardo Ramirez



 What really drew us into the launching of APIER was the fact that we teachers from Entre Ríos were islands and needed to come together

— Cynthia Rubio



    I'm so happy to be a member of APIER. We so very much needed an outlet for our ELT aches and pains.  Keep it up, APIER!

    I'm new in town and didn't really know much about APIER. Now that I do, I'm putting my name down to see it flourish. Bring it on!



— Romina Buttazoni

© 2013 by APIER. All rights reserved.             Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina (3100) - Email:

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